Thursday, March 5, 2020

Adderall--this motivation drug is dangerous

Adderall--this 'motivation' drug is dangerous Brain scans show how Adderall can improve activityCredit: With finals just around the corner, students have even more to worry about: their final grades. And most majors require students to maintain a certain GPA to stay in their major, so its no wonder they will do anything to get ahead of the game. And that usually means through abusing stimulants, the infamous one being Adderall. has a fact sheet on the most common stimulants (besides Adderall), including: Ridalin, Concentra and Dexedrine.  It has a list of questions, such as What negative effects can be associated with stimulant abuse? and How do prescription stimulants affect the brain? It lists answers to these  and many more questions. The appeal Why is Adderall so addictive? Scientists say that it produces a euphoria, similar to a high produced from drugs such as Cocaine. Mixing alcohol and Adderall is a dangerous combinationCredit: In addition, numerous stories featured from news sources, such as The Lantern at Ohio State, anonymous college students speak about how they use this blue pill for maintaining high energy during long periods of drinking. However, mixing alcohol and Adderall is a terrible decision. According to The Office of Drug and Alcohol Education at the University of Notre Dame, the stimulant  can cause students to prolong use resulting in consuming unhealthy amounts of alcohol which has led to cases of alcohol poisoning. The warning signs that ones body provides when drinking to tell them theyve had too much essentially shut off. This is what leads to the alcohol poisoning mentioned above. Dangerous side effects According to, Adderall is so powerful, it warns that using this medication improperly can cause death or serious side effects on the heart. Hotlines are useful if you need to speak to someone about drug dependencyCredit: In addition, reports that there are other serious ailments that can occur; such as contracting a urinary tract infection, developing anorexia and experiencing psychosis, a health condition which can cause depression, hostility, feelings of uselessness and paranoia. If you find yourself becoming drug dependent, dont  hesitate  to call the Treatment Referral Helpline (1-800-662-HELP), The Free Addiction hotline (877-259-5634),  or talk to a trusted friend or family member. Remember, these people are tying to help you, not judge you. So listen to what they have to say. Youll thank yourself later for it.

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