Friday, March 6, 2020

4 Things to Do in Your Last Semester of Business School

4 Things to Do in Your Last Semester of Business School Its almost overhow did two years of business school fly by so quickly? Youve got just a few months left and a ton of things you want to get to in that short period of time. Here are four important things to check off your to-do list in your last semester of business school: 1. Find your job The economy is tough in some areas and looking up in others. If youre not one of the lucky MBAs who has already received and accepted an offer, or if youre not keeping the job that you may have entered school with, youre probably still in job search mode. Stay confident and organized; learn how to master an interview before you have one. Let everyone know what kind of position you are looking for, and why. Start with your classmates, professors, administrators, and alumni. Then move onto your family, former colleagues, and possibly MBA associates from other schools. Be specific when discussing what you want to do, and be open to new ideas and opportunities that may present themselves during your search. 2. Figure out where youre living nextand get excited! There is life outside your business school. Whether its the same town or a new city, state, or country, get connected to your community. If someone from your class is moving to the same area after graduation, stay in touch with them. Join the alumni clubs in your region; they are eager to meet new members like you. Also, find out who the people are in your neighborhood, the ones who dont necessarily share your alma mater but who do share a supporting wall or a laundry room with you. Learn about the local foods, customs, and landmarks that put your town on the map. Create connections in your locale so that its not just the place you work; its the home where you live. 3. Get your ducks in a row Its time to get your finances in order, including your student loans. Contact your lenders to determine your repayment schedule, and create a monthly budget. Also, clean up your social media profiles to ensure your future supervisors and colleagues will see you in a positive light. Let your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and other profiles reflect the professional brand you would like to portray to your new workplace. 4. Celebrate your last semester of business school! Most people in your class are likely going to different companies and locations. You may not see some of these people for awhile, at least not until any potential reunion. Say thank you to the friends who have helped you along the way. Remember the good times that made you laugh, and make some more good memories before you leave. Most of all, have fun while you acclimate to the real world again. Its okay if you dont feel completely readythere are many ways to ease the transition from business school to the business world! Use this period of change to learn more about yourself. Its all part of the educational experience you signed up for when you turned in your application to business school.

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